Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ascending the hershey highway onramp

so things have been going rather uneventful lately. it's the a calm before the storm. I know that many, many things will be swallowing my stocky self whole very soon. But what do you do? nothing that I know of. I'm a bit dumbstruck and incredibly unmotivated still. I need to go out and take pictures soon. Just getting out and wandering helps me smooth out the wrinkles and return to some semblance of calm, quiet normalcy.

so here are a few lists to help my mind settle, and to help me reminisce.

top ten show's i saw when i lived in slc. (in no specific order)
1. rocket from the crypt - once at dv8, once at brick's.
2. jimmy eat world - basement of dv8, and once upstairs.
3. new transit direction and form of rocket at kilby, FOR's cd release for 'se puede'.
4. slowreader at kilby
5. tilt and one man army and kilby - one of kilby's first shows.
6. discount at raunch records, and at the Moroccan.
7. the anniversary at kilby. fire on the cymbals!
8. the specials and the pilfers at dv8
9. the pietasters and spring heeled jack at dv8
10. the impossibles at kilby

Monday, March 23, 2009

I really will start updating this.

Does depression or anxiety towards the future ever manifest itself as lethargy?
This is the kind of thing that I've been mulling over the past few weeks. With the sad state of the economy and the overall stagnancy of my profession, I end up thinking too much. And when I think too much, I never start. I sit here, I procrastinate. Things that are easy and simple get left undone, and the big things get done half-assed. I know there are things that need to be done, but i just can't physically do them.

I love my family, i love my wife and baby, and things at home are good overall. But I can't help but contemplate how things will be in the next few weeks, the next few months, the next few years. I know there is nothing I can do to change what's already been done, but I can do something about the future. I know I should go take some classes. I know I should do something with my art, with my photography, with my life in general. I have skills, I have the ability to make things happen, but I sit still.

This blog will not be political, nor will it be preachy. But I may throw in pieces and parts of my thoughts on politics and I may seem preachy every now and then. This blog is to serve as motivation. Something to get out of my system, an outlet. A little release to quell the onslaught. a small pressure release valve, to stay the alternate reality of a sobbing breakdown.